Monday, May 31, 2010

To "Facebook" or Not to "Facebook"

In recent days, Facebook and Facebook privacy policies have been in the news. All in all, I'm sure the owners of Facebook reacted to it much like any political figure, saying to themselves something like, "as long as they spell my name right..."

Some say the new privacy policies are grand and sufficient to address any reasonable concerns. Some say it is just more of the same; stick around and it will change.

Whatever your personal views are about Facebook, I now have a Facebook "page" giving us another way to connect. If you would like to view the "page" you can do so by clicking on the FB icon to the right. Be sure to "like" it to add it to your FB profile and receive updates as I post them.

See you in Facebook land!

Rev. Rebecca

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 2010

Dear Saints,

Summer is upon us, and with it comes the fire of the Holy Spirit!

Rather than shift into the rhythm of Ordinary Time, we are going to stay with Pentecost just a while longer and celebrate the Spirit with us. In honor of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost and the birthing of the church, the session and I have agreed to an adventure in departing from the lectionary, at least for June, July and August. Instead we will journey through a set of ‘faith practices’ as set out in Diana Butler Bass’ book Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith and Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People, edited by Dorothy C. Bass.

We will begin by exploring Butler Bass’ ten "Signposts of Renewal," many of which appear in Dorothy Bass’ book as well. The ten faith practices are: Hospitality; Discernment; Healing; Contemplation; Testimony; Diversity; Justice; Worship; Reflection; and Beauty.

Please join us as we journey together with the Holy Spirit this summer. May this be a time of refreshment for all of us.

Traveling mercies for all during this time of pilgrimage!


From the Pastor’s Desk - May 2010

Dear Saints,

The Good News of Resurrection Day is still with us! God is good and continues to bless us as we move from Easter toward Pentecost and beyond.

Please plan to be with us for our “Happy Birthday, Church!” celebration on Pentecost, May 23. We will celebrate the sacrament of baptism and reaffirm our baptismal vows. We will gather after worship for a true ‘bring a dish’ feast, complete with Birthday cake. We will recall our history as a church and appreciate all the good gifts we have shared together over the years as we look forward to the good gifts yet to come.

May can be a very busy month, and we will be just as busy here at church, so please plan to join us for all the fun.

I’m looking forward to being your pastor for another year as we journey together toward a bright future for First Presbyterian Church of Rockdale.

Please feel free to contact me at any time on my cell phone at 512-689-7984.


Rev. Rebecca

From the Pastor’s Desk - Eastertide 2010

Dear Saints,

Grace and Peace to you as we enter the Holy Season of Eastertide. We rejoice in fifty days of feasting and together we celebrate the power of Love to conquer all things dark and to turn us toward God’s light.

How will you celebrate this season of Rejoicing?

Perhaps a new discipline of prayer, study, or hospitality? A promise to see the world through God’s lens of love? A renewed commitment to celebrating the Holy Spirit within and around us?

The world rejoices with us as we celebrate God’s victory over anything that keeps us from God’s purposes for us. Christ, our Passover has risen; therefore, let us keep the feast!

Rev. Rebecca